So what is progressive disclosure?
Let us explain it in a very real world example.
When you are invited into someone's home for a dinner party. A good host will open the door, take your coat and welcome you into their home. Following natural social cues and conversation to make you comfortable, they ask what you need before recommending or offering them something.
Totally natural right?
Imagine a scenario where the moment you entered no one greeted you at the door and no beverages or diner ready or laid out for you. Instead you have a list of things they may need and everything possible that may what in your home and silence. It's up to you as a member to seek out what you need even when you don't know what you don't know.
This is why a good host acts as that guide for each guest. They're an amazing orchestrator of identifying and anticipating their guests' needs and wants. Then only when the moment is right do they then offer a beverage, bite to eat or turn on music to set the mood.
Which experience would you prefer?
We've learned this human interaction from the real world experiences (UX). So how do we now build the same rapport, experiences and environments to support our friends and communities with the best experience possible?
David Snelling, co-founder and master mind and architect of WeTransact innovation platform designed a human first experience to be more welcoming and to personalize interactions with a progressive disclosure UX.
Interactive design of any kind means walking a very fine line between not enough information and information overload. At the core of that balancing act is one of the most important principles of UX and Design: progressive disclosure.
Progressive disclosure means that everything in the User Interface should progress naturally, from simple to complex.
This mimics the natural way the brain processes information, successively; we build upon each subsequent step of experience and learning, adding to what we know.
In terms of the app, site or systems we've designed for our white labels, this means only the necessary or requested information is displayed at any given time.
Put another way, we only want what we need right now. We only need enough to take the very next action; we only need what we’ve asked for.
Sound familiar?
Are you thirsty?
Yes… then offer a glass of water or frosty beverage.
Information presented to someone who isn’t interested in it — or isn’t ready to process it — is noise. It’s background stuff. It’s not what we want. It’s in the way. It’s distracting us.
Think about how awkward it would be if the second they arrived you brought them dinner at the door and said " here's our dinner".
Give them a moment to get settled in and ask before you offer, suggest, invite them to eat dinner when the moment is right.
So, why would you host your communities and events without progressive disclosure?
We'd love to demo the difference WeTransact can do to transform your communities and community satisfaction.
What if the speed at which information, collaboration and opportunities unique to each member could happen?
We'd love to show you how to can upgrade your user experiences with WeTransact | SkillVill.
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